Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday evening toons: Warts and all

Uncanny. Is there anything that the slo-mo exploding citrus can't reveal to be about himself after all?

Apparently not. Did you think the Orlando massacre was about dozens of people killed or wounded at a gay night club? Or about ridiculously easy access to military-grade firepower? Or the possible connection between a deeply troubled man and international terrorism half a globe away? Silly you.

It was about Trump and his amazing foresight. He said so on Twitter. Congratulated himself.

How about the UK pulling out of the European Union? Was it about the plunging FTSE and the beating the pound took? Racheting up austerity measures and cutting support for national health care? The real value of pensions going into the toilet? Get serious.

It was about Trump's unpopular Scottish golf course getting more business because of the effects on the exchange rate.

In fact, if you turned on the TV this week you probably learned that the possibly impending collapse of both the United Kingdom and the organization formed to keep Europe from tearing itself apart for the third time in less than a century turns out to be not about European history or global economics, but the light it sheds on – wait for it – Trump's chances in November. Now he's got us all doing it.

And the upcoming GOP national convention: The Never Trumpers have all but given up on any hope to deny him the nomination. His party has accepted the inevitable – warts and all, with props to Joe Heller.

Today's toons were selected from the week's offerings at McClatchy DC, Cartoon Movement, Go Comics, Politico's Cartoon Gallery, Daryl Cagle's Political Cartoons,, and other fine sources of cartoon goodness.

p3 Best of Show: Barry Blitt.

p3 Legion of Merit: Chan Lowe.

p3 Award for Best Adaptation from Another Medium: Nick Anderson.

p3 Certificate of Harmonic Toon Convergence: Scott Stantis and Bob Gorrell.

Ann Telnaes pays tribute to the Brotherhood of the Traveling Bad Haircuts.

Mark Fiore to Paul Ryan: That word "stunt" – I do not think it means what you think it means..

In keeping with this week's theme, Tom Tomorrow celebrates the new normal, in all its many-splendored normalness.

Keith Knight alerts us to a live shooter situation, as the current lingo has it.

Reuben Bolling draws a sly connection between the GOP, Disney, and one of the lesser-known consequences of global warming – which is, I'm afraid, a thing.

Red Meat's Milkman Dan and Karen left me with an image that is not going to go away anytime soon.

Comic Strip of the Day looks at some post-EU referendum numbers, and numbers in general. Come for the post headline I wish I'd thought of; stay for the reminder that places other than the US and the UK have actual opinions about Brexit.

Now I don't care whose brother you love: Mass shootings. Anti-immigrant sentiment. Haves set against have-nots. Time to revisit "Brotherly Love," directed by Dave Fleischer in 1936, with its look at Olive's little-known other calling as a social reformer. (Uncredited: Musical Director Sammy Timberg who, with lyricist Bob Rothberg, wrote the march that provides the title tune; and Jack Mercer as Popeye, Gus Wickie as Bluto, and Mae Questel as The Slender One.) "Brotherly Love" was later colorized, but you know how I feel about that. Here it is in all its original, majestic, monochromatic glory.

The Right-Sized Oregon Toon Block:

Documented Ex-Oregonian Jen Sorensen asks, what's in your wallet?

Matt Bors pokes the unfortunate constitutional baggage that comes with a "common sense"-sounding proposal.

Jesse Springer puts it fairly clearly: The combination of lax safety enforcement (it costs money, after all) with neglect of our transportation infrastructure (ditto) did as much damage in the Gorge as if they'd . . . well . . . as if they'd . . . 

Test your toon-captioning mojo at The New Yorker's weekly caption-the-cartoon contest. (Rules here.) And you can browse The New Yorker's cartoon gallery here.

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