Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday morning toons: This week will be remembered as the week that "rectal feeding" became a thing

That's right, baby: SMT is back.

Just think, some day you'll be able to tell your children where you were when you found out that the CIA has been administering hummus enemas in the expectation that it would help the enemy interrogation process. Oh yes.

So let's see. Congress blames the CIA and the media. The media blame Congress and the CIA. Dick Cheney blames Dubya, or would if he believed anyone had done anything wrong. Dubya claims that it didn't happen, and also to it worked. Colin Powell, once again, is distinguished by his irrelevance. And John Yoo remains a loathsome excuse for a human being.

Yup, that about covers it. (Interesting that several cartoonists this week depicted a CIA torturer as brandishing a mace, which is really more of a close-combat weapon against armor and shield, rather than an instrument of torture. Perhaps they're thinking of the cat o' nine tails?)

Today's toons were selected by the strategic administration of eggs over medium, bacon, hash browns, wheat toast, and tea, from the week's offerings at McClatchy DC, Cartoon Movement, Go Comics, Politico's Cartoon Gallery, Daryl Cagle's Political Cartoons,, The Nib, and other fine sources of cartoon goodness.

p3 Best of Show: Jeff Danziger.

p3 Legion of Merit: Joel Pett.

p3 Dubious Achievement Award for the Most Disturbing Image of the Week: Rob Rogers.

p3 Track and Field Medal: Darrin Bell.

p3 Award for Best Adaptation from Another Medium: John Darkow.

p3 Certificate of Harmonic Toon Convergence: Clay Bennett, Bob Gorrell, and Tom Toles.

p3 World Toon Review: Patrick Chappatte (Switzerland), Ingrid Rice (Canada), Tomas (Italy), and Alex Falco Chang (Cuba).

Good news for the Sage of Baltimore: H. L. Mencken wondered aloud, in 1936, if the political term "fat-cat" had what it took to go the distance in the American language. Mr. Mencken, Stuart Carlson has good news for you.

Ann Telnaes sums up what many political cartoonists were saying this week.

Mark Fiore invites you to sing along (or spend the next twelve hours in a stress position).

Tom Tomorrow reviews the lessons learned. I think #7 is my favorite.

Keith Knight observes the signs of the season.

Tom the Dancing Bug plays the trendier-than-thou card, and it's funny.

Red Meat's Ted Johnson makes the connection you were waiting for, between large predators and a delicious spring vegetable.

The Comic Strip Curmudgeon discovers: They aren't human! (And he didn't even need those weird sunglasses to see it!)

Comic Strip of the Day considers the question of deniability (both plausible and implausible).

Just dropped in to see what condition his condition was in: In a Very Special Christmas 2014 episode of Simon's Cat, SC discovers the herb superb. Directed by Simon Tofield, animation by Sarah Airriess, and clean-up (perhaps this refers to the tree and the cat food?) by Aude Carpentier.

The Big, And Getting Bigger Since We Threw Out The Rulebook and Welcomed Back The Departed, Oregon Toon Block:

Ex-Oregonian Jack Ohman boils it down to a case of identity.

Probably But Not Definitely Ex-Oregonian Jen Sorensen posits the (entirely possible) existence of the ultimate annual party theme for the entitled few.

Matt Bors looks at white people problems.

Jesse Springer, who has more confidence in this sort of thing than I do, had this one locked and loaded three days before last night's Heisman Trophy award.

Test your toon captioning mojo at The New Yorker's weekly caption-the-cartoon contest. (Rules here.) And you can browse The New Yorker's cartoon gallery here.

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