Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday morning toons: Father's Day gets complicated

This week: Father's Day gets more complicated; the Republicans have an invisible friend; Ray Bradbury dies and Fox News doesn't get the point; and the Cairo Spring seems to have sprung.

Today's toons were selected by that incredibly patient fellow who put the wheels on your first bicycle, from the week's pages at, Attytude, Slate, Time,, and Daryl Cagle:

p3 Picks of the Week: Mike Luckovich, Jim Morin, Joel Pett, Lee Judge, Matt Wuerker, Steve Kelly, Kevin Siers, Rob Rogers, Chris Bok, Lisa Benson, Pat Bagley, R. J. Matson, Christopher Weyant, Rob Tornoe, Dave Grandlund, and Monte Wolverton.

p3 Best of Show: Mike Thomson.

p3 Ugly Truth Award (Part 1): Jim Morin.

p3 Ugly Truth Award (Part 2): Signe Wilkinson.

p3 Legion of Merit: Mike Luckovich.

p3 Award for Best Adaptation from Another Medium: Mike Keefe.

p3 World Toon Review: Kevin Kallaugher (England), Cam Cardow (Canada), Manny Francisco (Philippines), and Oliver Schopf (Austria).

Mark Fiore shows how you can be great success story -- like Latvia!

Comic Riffs has the story on why Ed Stein, a p3 regular, is hanging up his editorial pen, so to speak. It ain't pretty.

Tom Tomorrow introduces Mitt Romney's secret advisor. And remember: If you think you have a six-foot tall invisible rabbit for a friend, you're insane. But if you believe an invisible hand guides the economy toward optimal outcomes, you're a Chicago School economist and everyone has to listen to you.

Keith Knight has a financial insight.

Tom the Dancing Bug asks:Will he take this injustice lying down? (Answer: Yeah, pretty much.)

Red Meat's Milkman Dan thinks about his legacy.

The island's going to be destroyed -- let's send our two best reporters! That's the plot of ”Volcano,” directed in 1942 by Dave Fleischer (one of the last before Famous Studios took over the operation), animated by Willard Browsky and Otto Feuer, with musical direction by Sammy Timberg.

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The p3 Big Oregon Toon Block:

Jack Ohman shows Mitt Romney connecting with the common people.

Matt Bors presents the next level in insurance company products.

Jesse Springer sends his best wishes to Oregon's graduates (who may need it!):

Test your toon-captioning skills at The New Yorker's weekly caption-the-cartoon contest. (Rules here.)

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