Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Whenever they speak up and speak out and raise hell, I’ll be there."

ACLU of Texas' web page has a lovely post marking the one-year anniversary of the death of their favorite daughter and the patron saint of civil liberties, Molly Ivins.

Molly was nothing if not quotable, and there are gems sprinkled throughout, but this one really gets at the heart of the matter:

Every time someone down the line is irreverent about authority, I’ll have my monument. Every time some kid who was born a nigger, a kike, a wop, a Polack, a gook, a gimp, a fag, or just a plain maverick lifts up her head and dares anyone to stop her, I’ll have my monument. Every time they peaceably assemble to petition their government for redress of a grievance, I’ll be there. Whenever they worship as they please (or not at all), I’ll be there. Whenever they speak up and speak out and raise hell, I’ll be there. And every time some blue-bellied, full-blooded nincompoop who holds elected office is called to the floor for deciding to keep us safe by rewriting the Constitution, or by suspending due process and holding a citizen indefinitely without legal representation, I’ll be there. Now that is immortality. I don't have any children, so I've decided to claim all the future freedom-fighters and hell-raisers as my kin. I figure freedom and justice beat having my name in marble any day. Besides, if there is another life after this one, think how much we'll get to laugh watching it all.

Today would be a good day to drop a couple of bucks to the ACLU in remembrance of Molly. Because if you think they get to kick back just because Bush and his fellow racketeers have left Washington, think again.

(Here's the OR chapter; here's the TX chapter. If you're from one of the other 48, some quick Googling should do the trick.)

(Hat tip to James the Elder.)

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