Tuesday, May 6, 2008


This morning, NPR aired this story, about glaring evidence that Countrywide Mortgage Corp. is continuing its dishonest mortgage-selling practices as if the past ten months had never happened (while the regulatory people yawn).

That was immediately followed by this story about banking behemoth BB&T paying schools to offer courses in which the <air quotes>economic philosophy</air quotes> of Ayn Rand (in a phrase: "I got mine--get yours") will be taught.

Think that's a coincidence? If so, it's an awfully lovely one.

I'm seeing course catalog copy that runs along these lines:

Econ 431: Kleptocracy and American Capitalism (hrs 3 cr 3 lab 0: staff) Theory and practice of economic corruption. Theory will be based on Ayn Rand's "objectivism," advocating that individuals should be free to offer and enter into dishonest contracts without government oversight. Practice will be based on an extended case study of lending activities by Countrywide Mortgage Corp., currently the object of several Justice Department investigations for fraud.

(By the way, NPR--get caught up. Bloggers had the pay-for-Rand story last month.)

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1 comment:

Mark Wickens said...

Theory will be based on Ayn Rand's "objectivism," advocating that individuals should be free to offer and enter into dishonest contracts without government oversight.

That would be odd, since Ayn Rand's political theory holds that government ought to outlaw and punish fraud.