Understand, though: The problem isn't the federal investigations, as such--Stevens is one of those archetypal Republicans of the contemporary mold, for whom an indictment is somewhere between a rite of passage, a badge of honor, and a simple cost of doing business.
The problem is that people from his home state won't stop asking him questions about it. As if it's any of their business.
In a classic moment from an appearance on Alaska Talk Radio this week, an increasingly irritated Stevens--the man who made "bridge to nowhere" synonymous with wasteful and probably corrupt government spending projects--finally said this to one caller who persisted with questions about whether Stevens would accept a presidential pardon:
Why would I cross a bridge I haven’t seen? I don’t know. I don’t know the answer to that question.
A poor but honest choice of words, Senator.
Hm. Let's review: A mean-tempered old fellow, up there in the cold and snow for fifty-some years, snarling down at the little people below, hatching wonderful, awful ideas . . . could it be?
Yes, it's official: We've got another Separated at Birth!

(Image sources: Stevens, the Grinch)
Oh man, I'm completely jealous you made that connection. I'm laughing my ... off.
Why, thank you.
As soon as I saw the Stevens picture at ThinkProgress, I knew what had to be done...
I don't know that a link from my little site will drive much, but you got one.
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