Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday morning toons: An untapped pool of pristine 1940s and 1950s American cars

And there you have the basis of my new Cuba policy. (For the curious, this was my old Cuba policy, one of the first items posted at p3.)

We have doubts, here at p3, about North Korea's involvement in the Sony hack -- as you will see.

And as for the NYPD and their hissy fit with New York's mayor, what Pierce said.

Today's toons were selected by presenting receipts at the exchange counter at our local big box store, from the week's offerings at McClatchy DC, Cartoon Movement, Go Comics, Politico's Cartoon Gallery, Daryl Cagle's Political Cartoons,, The Nib, and other fine sources of toony goodness.

p3 Picks of the week: Mike Luckovich, Ted Rall, Signe Wilkinson, Matt Davies, Kal Kallaugher, Gary Markstein, John Cole, Randy Bish, Matt Wuerker, and Monte Wolverton.

p3 Best of Show: Rob Rogers.

p3 Legion of Merit: Tim Eagan.

p3 Running (News Reports) With Scissors Medal: Pat Bagley.

p3 Funnier If It Weren't Perfectly True Award: Joel Pett.

p3 What If You Got Everything You Wanted For Christmas And No One Noticed? Award: Nate Beeler.

p3 World Toon Review: Sofia Mamalingua (Greece).

Despite continuing word from some security experts that Sony's problem was a lot closer to home than North Korea, Mark Fiore brings the movie trailer you've been waiting for, maybe.

Tom Tomorrow brings it with part 1 of his traditional Year in Review.

Tired of those "how to talk to your Fox News uncle at the Christmas table" posts? Keith Knight has a parable.

Still not convinced around here that North Korea is behind the Sony hack, but Tom the Dancing Bug has a great take on KIMDb.

Red Meat's Milkman Dan and Karen nicely capture why I get the oogies whenever I read that a film is "based on a true story."

The Comic Strip Curmudgeon reveals the dark truth behind the legend.

Comic Strip of the Day brings the others to the Christmas table: The other noels, and the other Kelly holiday staple.

Weekly animation: "Mister and Mistletoe," directed in 1955 by Izzy Sparber, from a story by Jack Mercer (who also voiced Popeye and his nephews, uncredited). (Also uncredited: Musical director Winston Sharples, Jason Beck as Bluto, and Mae Questel as The Slender One.) There are three nephews this time, for those who keep count. This is another story in which the central problem would have been prevented if Olive had kept her windows closed (in late December? Where does she live – New Zealand?) so Bluto can't walk by, hear what they're doing, and form his evil plans.

The Big, And Getting Bigger Since We Threw Out The Rulebook and Welcomed Back The Departed, Oregon Toon Block:

Ex-Oregonian Jack Ohman uncovers the root of all our problems.

And here's a Theoretically Ex-Oregonian Jen Sorensen twofer: Like, or dislike.

Matt Bors has quotes. Real quotes.

Jesse Springer salutes the Oregon theatres that defied North Korea (and box office wisdom) to screen "The Interview."

Test your toon captioning mojo at The New Yorker's weekly caption-the-cartoon contest. (Rules here.) And you can browse The New Yorker's cartoon gallery here.

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