Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jack's back

In celebration of having finally gotten caught up on "24: Live Another Day," and seeing Jack Bauer back at the top of his hissing, rasping, snarling game – and with the return of the loyal and eternally attitudinal Chloe O'Brian, plus President (and former SecDef) James Heller, Audrey (Heller) Boudreau, and the evil Cheng Zhi – p3 proudly re-introduces the Jack Bauer drinking game.

Believe me, it's as bad for your liver now as it was seven years ago.

Jack hisses "Damn it!" - sip.

Jack rasps "Right now he's our only lead." - drink.

Jack snarls "Sonofabitch!" - chug.

Enjoy Jack in moderation.

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