Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sunday morning toons: Here's what we learned this week

(NOTE: Autoplay problem with the Porky video is fixed.)

So, this week, we learned that needing food stamps proves you don't deserve them, that the problems with prove that we were better off with 40 million uninsured citizens with no reasonable chance of coverage, and that the NSA running amok proves that the Fourth Amendment didn't really mean what the founders originally intended.

Today's toons were drawn from the pages of McClatchy DC, Cartoon Movement, Go Comics, Daryl Cagle's Political Cartoons,, Politico's Cartoon Carousel, and other fine sources.

p3 Picks of the Week: Mike Luckovich, Jack Ohman, Joel Pett, Lee Judge, Jim Morin, Steve Benson, Tony Auth, Stuart Carlson, Tom Toles, Matt Davies, Bill Day, Chris Weyant, Mario Piperni, Matt Wuerker, Jen Sorenson, and Monte Wolverton.

p3 Best of Show: Jeff Staher.

p3 Legion of Extraordinary Merit: Jeff Danziger.

p3 Best of Breed Award: Joel Pett.

p3 Extremely Funny but Really Inside Baseball Award: Pat Bagley. (Explanation here.)

p3 World Toon Review: Kevin Kallaugher (England), Ingrid Rice (Canada), SvitalskiBros (Czech Republic), and Petar Pismestrovic (Austria).

You thought they were dead? Ann Telnaes says they're not. Happy Halloween.

Mark Fiore's Dog Boy and Mr. Dan celebrate states' rights – the right of the states to let the government come in and run things. Is socialism a pre-existing condition?

Taiwan's Next Media Animation provides a Lone Star State example of Nothstine's Law of Free Speech.

Tom Tomorrow has sexy Halloween costume ideas that will never go stale, apparently. Notice to patrons: No one will be seated after the harrowing Porn Moustache of Understanding scene!

Keith Knight lives the dream. (Video here. He looks exactly like he does in the strip. It's freaking uncanny!)

Tom the Dancing Bug celebrates synergy!

Red Meat's Ted Johnson keeps with the times by calling an emergency staff meeting.

The Cartoon Curmudgeon hits the trifecta: huffing, pride, and dying.

Comic Strip of the Day examines a glaring truth: we don't get it – and by “we,” I'm afraid he means “us.” Which is why, as friends know, I only wear navy, gray, and black, and wear socks of one color.

Anxious to carve a great empire out of the wilderness across the sea! Getting the jump on Thanksgiving, here's “Pilgrim Porky,” directed in 1940 by Bob Clampett, with story by Warren Foster, animation by Norman McCabe, and musical direction by the magnificent Carl Stalling, with uncredited voice work by Portland's own Mel Blanc (as just about everybody), Robert C. Bruce (as the narrator), and Thurl “Tony the Tiger” and “You're a Mean One, Mister Grinch” Ravenscroft handling the singing. Songs lifted for the soundtrack include Long, Long Ago, The Song of the Marines, My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean, Jeepers Creepers, Columbia Gem of the Ocean, Rock-a-Bye Baby, (Anyone know the song they sing as they set sail?) The cartoon is, alas, about as dated and comfortably racist as the holiday itself: The running joke – now outdated to say the least – with the black cook is a hat-tip to Jack Benny's valet Rochester on the popular radio show. The “Sitting Bull” joke – also unpleasantly dated and historically barbered – is based on a catch phrase from early radio: “Nobody home, I hope, I hope, I hope.” In magnificent monochrome 2-D!

If your browser won't display the embedded version, click here.

The Big, But We're Hoping It'll Be Bigger, Oregon Toon Block:

Matt Bors applauds the exportation of American values to the Third World.

Jesse Springer has a news item:
150,000 Oregonians on individual insurance plans will lose their cover (becuase their current plans do not meet ACA standards). Unfortunately, they have to rely on the problem-plagued "Cover Oregon" to get the signed up with new insurance by the Dec. 15th deadline.

Test your toon captioning skillz at The New Yorker's weekly caption-the-cartoon contest. (Rules here).

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