Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday morning toons: Resetting our clocks

(Updated below.)

Most of America set their clocks ahead one hour last night, something of an anachronism in a world where farm vehicles have Blu-ray and cell phones, but there we are.

But not everyone set their clocks forward; in fact, sadly, it's not too hard to find people who have gone roaring into the past:
Jeb Bush, forced to disagree on immigration policy with his own book, which went to print in December, is trying to set the clock back to sometime before that.

Many Republicans have used the death of Hugo Chavez as an opportunity to relitigate the Cold War, which, as you may recall, ended when we won in 1989. (Did I really originally type "Cesar?" Sigh.)

South Dakota is looking for that sweet spot right before 1973, when all that icky women's-right-to-control-their-own-bodies stuff started catching on.

The conservative majority on the US Supreme Court appears to be living happily in some period before 1964.

Bankers, and the regulators and legislators who roll with them, would like it to be the 1920s.

Corporate America, and the justices and legislators who roll with them, would like to set us back to the Gilded Age -- call it 1880.

Not to be outdone, nine Republican Senators saw the vote on the expanded Violence Against Women Act as an opportunity to take us sometime into the Fifteenth Century.
Today's toons were selected between 2:00am and 3:00am this morning, from the week's pages at Cartoon Movement, GoComics,, Slate, Time,, Daryl Cagle, and other fine sources.

p3 Picks of the Week: Mike Luckovich, Jack Ohman, Jim Morin, Lee Judge, Kevin Siers, Lee Judge, Clay Bennett, Tom Stiglich, Jeff Danziger, Matt Wuerker, Jen Sorenson, and Monte Wolverton.

p3 Best of Show: David Fitzsimmons.

p3 Award for Best Adaptation from Another Medium (tie): Steve Sack and Joel Pett.

p3 Who's Governing on First? Medal: Joe Heller.

p3 Certificate of Harmonic Toon Convergence: John Cole and Gary McCoy.

p3 World Toon Review: Cam Cardow (Canada), Patrick Chappatte (Switzerland), Farid Ben Morsli (Italy), and Rainer Ehrt (Germany),

No, no, be of good cheer -- Ann Telnaes captures The Almost-First Lady, who assures us that, if politics teaches us anything, it teaches us to accept our failures, as well as our successes, with quiet grace and dignity.

Mark Fiore has the funniest, better-than-the-target-deserves animation I've seen in a long, long time. Well played, sir.

Taiwan's Next Media Animation doesn't seem to be working at the moment. I'll update this later when the site's back up. Meanwhile, we'll just call them <airquotes>Next</airquotes> Media Animation.

”There have never been as many cartoons online, or as many readers – but the quality level is very low. Many are basically just memes.” Well then. Veteran political cartoonisst Ted Rall gave a session at SXSW on political cartooning in the age of the Web, social media, and shrinking newspaper circulation. The transcript's here.

Superman struggles for edgy relevance -- Success: DC Comics and Mad Magazine (both owned by TimeWarner) are doing some crossover work -- and not for the first time. (Al Jaffee turns 92 on Wednesday, by the way.) Also too: Supergirl gets the treatment.

Superman struggles for edgy relevance -- Fail: Just go read the story.

Tom Tomorrow ponders the Zen koan How can you improve on perfection?

Keith Knight has a brilliant plan! Too bad a lot of people aren't cool enough to appreciate it.

Tom the Dancing Bug shows us that people who do not pay attention to pop culture are doomed to repeat it. Or something like that. Anyway, here's the chance to get yer sci-fi /fantasy ya-yas out.

Red Meat's Bug-eyed Earl feels misunderstood.

The Comics Curmudgeon, to our astonishment, and perhaps his own, uses “Nearly everything about this is perfect” and “Heathcliff” in the same sentence.

Don't you know that every time you go near that window you give me populations of the heart? There were three Popeye shorts with Eugene the Jeep between 1938 and 1940. There wasn't much effort at continuity among them, so I'm not feeling driven by it now. (The third and final one, from 1940, gets the p3 treatment here.) Besides, the Jeep apparently has powers somehow connected to the fourth dimension, so why should he be bound by our linear, human view of time? Huh? “The Jeep” was drected by Dave Fleischer in glorious black and white, animated by Seymour Kneitel and Graham Place, with a host of uncredited contributions, including Jack Mercer as Popeye and Margie Hines as Olive and Swee' Pea, and musical direction (including Eugene's theme) by Sammy Timberg. Be listening for “Search-ez la frame,” a pun I had no possible hope back in the day of getting -- or even spelling right!

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The p3 Big Oregon Toon Block:

Matt Bors actually makes a lot of sense on this one, if you give it just a couple of seconds.

Jesse Springer holds out hope for universal background checks for firearm sales in Oregon, but it looks like peace* for assaut rifles and high-capacity magazines:

*Update: And it looks like it's going to be peace with an unacceptable price tag.

Test your toon-captioning magic at The New Yorker's weekly caption-the-cartoon contest. (Rules here.)

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