Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sunday morning toons: Serious regrouping on Thursday morning

As Comic Riffs points out, a lot of cartoonists went to work Thursday morning figuring they already had their SCOTUS/ACA toon safely in the bank -- until John Roberts made his move.

Other toon-intensive topics for this week include the overturn of most of Arizona's anti-immigrant laws and the mutual contempt of Rep. Darrel Issa and the Justice Department.

Today's toons were selected by the Supreme Court Justice you'd least expect (leaving you to wonder what he's really up to), from the week's pages at, Slate, Time,, and Daryl Cagle:

p3 Picks of the Week: Mike Luckovich, Joel Pett, Jim Morin, Bruce Plante, Clay Jones, Jeff Danziger, , and Monte Wolverton.

p3 Best in Show: Chan Lowe.

p3 Certificate of Harmonic Toon Convergence (Part 1): Jim Morin and Jeff Parker.

p3 Award for Best Adaptation from Another Medium (tie): Matt Wuerker and John Deering.

p3 Certificate of Harmonic Toon Convergence (Part 2) Bill Day and Adam Zyglis.

p3 World Toon Review: Olle Johansson (Sweden), Luojie (China), Ingrid Rice (Canada), and Victor Ndula (Kenya).

Ann Telnaes has an Antonin “Captain Broccoli” Scalia twofer this week: Part 1: Nino drives home the final nail. Part 2: Nino smash!

Mark Fiore brings us the latest from Suzie Newsykins, who's got a summer job promoting democracy and free speech!

It couldn't happen in Oregon! The Houston TX City Council has slapped a $5 per guest “pole tax” on strip clubs. Taiwan's Next Media Animation has the very cool story. Frankly, I'm not sure I'd have guessed that Houston had it in them.

Congrats to p3 faves Keith Knight and Matt Bors for joining five of their colleagues on an archival induction into the Library of Congress!

Tom Tomorrow raises the awkward question of how Republicans survive from one generation to the next.

Yes! After far, far, too long, Keith Knight brings us the latest edition of Life's little victories.

Tom the Dancing Bug gets Extra Special Mention for Best Adaptation From Another Medium. (But see Matt Bors, below!)

Red Meat's Mister Wally and Ted Johnson explore an ugly, ugly truth about aging.

The Comics Curmudgeon imagines -- and we at p3 support him -- historical averages holding for “The Wizard of Id.”

The beginning of the end: Wimpy fans, pay attention. “Spree Lunch,” directed by Izzy Sparber in 1957, is the final theatrical-film appearance of Bluto and Wimpy. They resurfaced a couple of years later in the dreadful limited-animation made-for-television cartoons produced by Hal Brodax, by which time Bluto was inexplicably renamed Brutus. Story credit for “Spree Lunch” goes to Jack Mercer, who was also Popeye's voice.

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The p3 Big Oregon Toon Block:

Jack Ohman found a House for sale -- and in this market, too!

Matt Bors brings you your regular dose of summer pulp fiction. I particularly admire the ratty edge on the right. Nice touch.

Jesse Springer appears to be away this week.

Test your toon-captioning mojo at The New Yorker's weekly caption-the-cartoon contest. (Rules here.)

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