Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday morning toons: The dog barks, the caravan moves on . . . to New Hampshire

(Update: The Red Meat link is fixed. Thanks, Ryan.)

Today's selections have been lovingly hand-selected from the week's political cartoon pages at Slate, Time, Mario Piperni,, and Daryl Cagle:

p3 Picks of the Week:   Mike Luckovich, Steve Sack, Dan Wasserman, Rick McKee, Bruce Plante, Signe Wilkinson, Tom Toles, Jeff Danziger, Bill Day, Adam Zyglis, John Cole, and Monte Wolverton.

p3 Legion of Honor: Glenn McCoy

p3 Best of Show: Clay Bennett.

p3 Certificate of Appreciation for Reminding Us There's Anything Else Going On Besides the GOP Primaries: Jim Morin

p3 World Toon Review: Cam Cardow (Canada), Petar Pismestrovic (Austria), Rachel Gold (Austria), and Ingrid Rice (Canada).

Ann Telnaes looks at one possible future for the GOP.

Mark Fiore reveals the horrible weapon deployed 500 feet below an Iowa silo. Flannel visible! Flannel visible!

Tom Tomorrow celebrates a group we don't get to hear enough of: sensible thinkers.

One from the vaults: The K Chronicles dedicates this strip to that one black kid.

Tom the Dancing Bug presents the latest edition of Super-Fun-Pak Comix! Note that “Incomprehensible Suffering Funnies” comes perilously close to duplicating the joke from the cover of the National Lampoon's October 1973 “Banana” issue, but at the last minute rescues itself.

Comic Riffs observes the passing of cartoon artist Ronald Searle. (As it turns out, I own the Tom Lehrer sheet music described in the opening paragraphs. It's from a Broadway revue of his music called Tomfoolery, and the illustrations are indeed wonderful.)

Red Meat's Milkman Dan either narrowly averts a cataclysmic temporal paradox, or he doesn't.

The Comic Curmudgeon has, without a doubt, the funniest one-sentence take on an Archie strip that I've ever seen.

And speaking of Archie: Why is the ACLU paying attention to the adventure of the Riverdale gang? Funny you should ask: Wedding bells are ringing this month.
So what’s the big deal? And, as we are always asked by outraged Facebook fans when we write about pop culture, why does the ACLU care/don’t you have bigger fish to fry?

For this comic book fan, the big deal is seeing a same-sex, (interracial!) loving relationship portrayed in Riverdale. LGBT relationships in Gotham, or discussed in the politically liberal living rooms and offices of Doonesbury, sure that’s what you may expect. But Riverdale, and the wider Archie universe have long stood for the mega-wholesome ideal of the American Midwest of yesteryear — a place where writers and artists have long told us there is no room for diversity, regardless of what the truth may be.

Archie first appeared in 1941, and since then has served as the archetype for the typical, small-town American kid. In fact it wasn’t so long ago, 2003 to be exact, that Archie Comics was threatening to sue an Atlanta theater company for a piece they were set to perform depicting Archie coming out of the closet because they thought “if Archie was portrayed as being gay, that would dilute and tarnish his image.”
Best p3 wishes to the adorable couple.

There's nothing in the world that can compare with a hamburger, juicy and rare: No sign of Olive in this 1936 Popeye, “What -- No Spinach?” directed by Dave Fleischer and animated by Seymour Kneitel and Roland Crandall, but fans of J. Wellington Wimpy will get to see one of the rare stories where their hero triumphs.  I had forgotten that this short even existed -- until Wimpy began his song, and I realized I still remembered the whole thing, word for word. Not sure how I feel about that.

If your browser won't display the embedded version, click here.

The p3 Big Oregon Toon Block:

Jack Ohman presents the wistful side of Newt. (Of course, Newt is so last-week, but he's fundamentally funnier than either Romney or Santorum. Yes -- even Santorum!

Matt Bors celebrates the return of man who knows his way around a coal chute.

Jesse Springer notes that everyone can breath a little easier now that UO has won its first Rose Bowl since 1917.

Test your toon-captioning kung fu at The New Yorker's weekly caption-the-cartoon contest. (Rules here.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bill, the Red Meat link takes you to sign up, not the cartoon.