Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday morning toons: Featuring The Comb-Over of Destiny!

Trump's leading the polls for the Republican 2012 ticket. There's probably more that could be said, but . . . why?

Today's selections were rigorously chosen -- by a panel of reality-show hosts, right-wing neverwozzers, beltway insiders claiming to be outsiders, Fox News featherbedders, and half-term governors -- from the week's political cartoon pages at Slate, Time, Mario Piperni,, and Daryl Cagle:

p3 Picks of the Week: Mike Luckovich, Mike Lester, David Fitzsimmons, Jerry Holbert, Bill Day, Nate Beeler, Jim Morin, Steve Sack, Pat Oliphaunt, Steve Breen, Signe Wilkinson, and Monte Wolverton.

p3 Best of Show: Pat Bagley, for exposing the real zombie lie.

p3 Legion of Honor, with Black Arts Ribbon: John Darkow.

p3 Croix de Guerre (Classe): Ed Stein.

p3 World Toon Review: Paresh (India), Cam Cardow (Canada), Martyn Turner (Ireland), Ingrid Rice (Canada), and Frederick Deligne (France).

Ann Telnaes looks at the abruptly wounded feelings of Republicans (and -- oh, joy! -- it features a cameo appearance by one of my favorite Telnaes caricatures).

Mark Fiore's Suzie Newsykins learns how to negotiate like a pro.

Taiwan's Next Media Animation examines what audiences might have seen if they weren't following the Kobe Bryant story.

Tom Tomorrowlooks at some of the ways in which really terrible ideas infect public discourse.

The K Chronicles weighs in on the Bradley Manning case. Wait for it . . . wait for it . . .

Tom the Dancing Bug apparently remembers junior high school a lot like I do. (Earlier this week, artist Bolling tweeted: "Comments on the comic so far: either 'I don't get it,' or 'Subtle, but brilliant, as always.' I'm on the fence.")

SEK at Lawyers, Guns and Money pursues a not-unreasonable question: How do you take your average orphan and turn him into a lunatic in a fetish bat costume? The eyes have it.

No need to keep waiting: This week The New York Review of Books celebrated the anniversary of author Samuel Beckett's birth in 1905 with a look at some of the great David Levine caricatures of Beckett they've published over the years.

Get your entry in the pool today! Comic Riffs handicaps tomorrow's announcement for the Pulitzer in Editorial Cartooning.

Doesn't seem to be a new edition of Red Meat this week, but you can always browse the archives.

The Comic Curmudgeon asks: Is there anything more truly banal than a new artist’s first heavy-handed attempt to shock bourgeois sensibilities?

Portland homeboy Jack Ohman wonders how many fronts American can fight on at the same time.

What's on your Lizst today (continued): Sometime after Disney's "Fantasia," pretty much every major studio's cartoon star got a whack at Lizst's "Hungarian Rhapsody #2." p3 Sunday Morning Toons has featured two best known: Bugs Bunny (Warner Bros.) and Tom and Jerry (MGM), although music rights enforcement has curbed their availability online. The musical shtick was so well-known it was parodied in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?  Here -- while you can still see it -- is Universal's shot: Woody Woodpecker in the 1954 "Convict Concerto," directed by Don Patterson.

(Note to Facebook friends: If you're reading this in FB Notes, you'll need to click View Original Post, below, to see the video.)

p3 Bonus Toon: In the unlikely event you haven't already seen this, Jesse Springer offers you this meta-take on the Oregon Legislature Rick-Roll.

Test your toon-captioning skills at The New Yorker's weekly caption-the-cartoon contest. (Rules here.)

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