Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday morning toons: Special "Brooklyn accent" edition

This week we celebrate the idea that there's a match out there for everyone, no matter how improbable. We'll begin with Obama inviting the congressional Republicans to meet with him to discuss the jobs bill and see where it leads us.

Other highlights from this week: Palin's memory aids, East Coast weather, NASA's non-lunar future, and DADT's uncertain future. Let's start off as usual, with Daryl Cagle's toon round-up for the week.

p3 Picks of the Week: Mike Luckovich, Nate Beeler, Pat Bagley, R. J. Matson, John Darkow, David Fitzsimmons, Jimmy Margulies, Steve Sack, Adam Zyglis, Larry Wright, and Monte Wolverton,

p3 Certificate of International Harmonic Toon Convergence (Part 1): Joe Heller (US) and Martin Sutovek (Slovakia).

p3 Certificate of International Harmonic Toon Convergence (Part 2): Dave Granlund (US) and Olle Johansson (Sweden).

p3 World Toon Review: Cam Cardow (Canada), Patrick Chappatte (Switzerland), Pavel Constantin (Romania) and Sergei Tunin (Russia).

Ann Telnaes brings the news: It's snowing on the Capitol.

Mark Fiore says Valentine's Day is trickier than you thought. Dogboy and Mr. Dan explain.

Yipes! Can it be--can the Tea Bag Party outfight even Captain America?

On the one hand: Here's Barry Blitt's illustration to accompany today's Frank Rich column in the NYTimes.

Record snow may have hit DC, but Portland homeboy Jack Ohman is a little surprised anyone noticed.

"I knew I shoulda made that left toin in Albukoykee!" "Herr Meets Hare," this Fritz Freleng toon from 1945, was the first time Bugs Bunny ever spoke that now-classic bit of Brooklynese. "Herr," in which Bugs gives German Chancellor Hermann Goering da woiks, was one of the last of the wartime Warner Bros. cartoons. Fans of Chuck Jones' wonderful "What's Opera, Doc?" from 1957 will recognize where Jones got some of his ideas. According to Wikipedia, AOLTime Warner and Turner Broadcasting have kept this one mostly out of circulation for years because it dealt humorously with Nazis, something one would have thought was the point of a wartime Bugs Bunny short. (Which also doesn't explain "Hogan's Heroes" in eternal cable syndication.)

p3 Bonus Toon: As long as we're woiking on our Brooklyn accents this morning, let's include Jesse Springer, who wishes the Legislature had da noive.

Remember to bookmark:

Slate's political cartoon for the day.

And Time's cartoons of the week.

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