Friday, October 23, 2009

"A pie has to hit you and explode into a thousand pieces"

Words of professional advice from the master, Milton "Soupy Sales" Supman, who took an estimated 25,000 pies in the face over the course of his career in slapstick television comedy. Sales died this week at age 83.

Like most live television of that era, the "Soupy Sales Show" occasionally had an "oh hell, let's just go with it" flavor that you could love or hate, but you'll never see again.

During the "dance craze" years of the early '60s, Soupy jumped on the hully-gully/frug/watusi/mashed potato bandwagon with his own contribution: "The Mouse," which enjoyed a modest amount of attention at the time and was reborn during the disco era a decade later as the "White Man's Overbite," from which all subsequent popular dance moves have been proven to derive.

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