(Portland Drinking Liberally meets at 7pm the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at the Lucky Lab Brew Hall at 19th and NW Quimby (map)
Tomorrow night's guest will be Michelle Poyourow, Advocacy Manager for the Bicycle Transportation Alliance. A big chunk of BTA's mission is outreach not just to the cycling true believers, but to all those who aren't normally part of the dialog about cycling in Oregon--including non-cyclists. So Michelle's the person to talk to about the Columbia River Project, Portland's Bicycle Master Plan, commuting or safety issues in your neighborhood, or any other topics you'd like to discuss.
And thanks to all who came to the special DL session last week to meet 'n' greet Living Liberally Exec. Director Justin Krebs, in town on his way back to DL HQ in NYC. It was great to see some new [and old] faces, from the PDX chapter as well as St. Helens, Vancouver, and PDX Metro-West (which we used to call "Beaverton" or "Washington County"). Here's a set of photos, courtesy of Carla Axtman. Several other people brought cameras, too--if you have pictures, please share!
And speaking of which: If you appreciate Living Liberally promoting progressive action through social interaction--including keeping the whole Drinking Liberally network up and running--consider sending them a little love via Tipping Liberally.
See you tomorrow night. And remember: DL encourages everyone to drink, and vote, responsibly.
(Cross-posted at Loaded Orygun.)
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