Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday morning toons: Special "Place Where All Things Are Possible" Edition

No surprise: The line-up at Bob Geiger's place is all about Tuesday night. Don't miss Mike Luckovich's "Day One."

And over at Daryl Cagle's round-up they're also marking the big event.

p3 Picks of the Week: Mike Keefe, Larry Wright, Dave Fitzsimmons, Chan Lowe,

The p3 Harmonic Toon Convergence Award goes to all the toonists who were inspired by some variation on the Abraham Lincoln theme this week.

The p3 Funny But Definitely Weird Award goes to Nate Beeler and Cameron Cardow.

The p3 World Toon Review counts the many ways you can spell "relief:" Brian Adcock (Scotland), Pierre Ballouhey (France), Peter Nicholson (Australia), Simanca Osmani (Brazil), and--my absolute favorite--Stephane Peray (Thailand).

The only thing I'll miss about Dick Cheney after January is Ann Telnaes caricatures of him.

Oop! Ack! Pffft! I haven't completely adjusted to Sunday mornings without Opus yet, so here are two strips of his that were deemed too hot for the Washington Post to handle (but not for p3!).

Portland homeboy Jack Ohman celebrates voting lines. Contrarian? You'll see.

Open Sarsaparilla? Open Saskatchewan? "Ali Baba Bunny" (1957) is one of those later Chuck Jones toons for Warner Bros. that seemed to generate a memorable tag line about every fifteen seconds. p3 dedicates it to TJ at Loaded Orygun for reasons he can explain if he's so inclined. It's also #37 on the list of Fifty Greatest Cartoons.

p3 Bonus Toon: Oregon had its own landslide this week, and Jesse Springer was there to chart it. (Click to enlarge.)

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