Friday, September 26, 2008

Soft-core porn or interplanetary threat to peace? You decide.

When Palin said this in her second Couric interview--

As Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state.

--I'll admit I just rolled my eyes and moved on. Embarrassing statements by her, especially on foreign policy (and economic policy, and . . . ) are becoming a dime a dozen. Not much reason to spend time on this one.

I mean, look at that first line: "As Putin rears his head"--? Tell me that doesn't sound like it came from the sex scene in an airport novel, the kind of potboiler that would follow up that line with something like, "His pulse exploded as he ripped off her babushka."

But then I saw this, and I realized things were much, much more dangerous than I'd appreciated.

(Image via Boing Boing)

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