Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday morning toons

Daryl Cagle has the round up, and Daylight Savings Time means you're already an hour behind in reading them, so get cracking!

If you thought this would be a week of creative responses to the buzz generated by the Clinton "3 a.m. phone call" ad, Obama's counter-ad, and the zillions of parodies and mash-ups floating around the web this week . . . you'd be mostly wrong. The toonists' responses were legion, but they were all pretty much variations on one tired theme--this one by John Darkow was typical. A p3 Special Mention goes to Sandy Huffaker for finding a smarter take on the idea.

Moving on, none too soon, to the Non-3 a.m. category, the p3 Picks of the Week include: Bob Englehart, Sandy Huffaker (a p3 Exacta), Jeff Parker, John Trever, Jerry Holbert, and Mike Thompson.

I love Ann Telnaes' Dick Cheney, and her sad little Dubya. Her Cheshire cat-like Hillary Clinton is growing on me, too. But this week's p3 Telnaes pick is one of her infrequent opportunities to give Ronald Reagan the treatment.

Mike Luckovich pretty nicely sums up the latest Bush/McCain strategy for victory in Iraq.

Opus gets a visitor from his Anxiety Closet. Be afraid. (Salon Premium.)

p3 Bonus Toon: Jesse Springer finds the logic behind Oregon spending priorities

Hey, Kevin Mannix: Can you hear me now?

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