Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday morning toons (special afternoon edition)

John Sherffius of the Boulder Daily Camera has created a wonderful image, one that--in a just world--should make him a millionaire off merchandising royalties in the next three weeks. Think of the bumper stickers, T-shirts, coffee mugs, baseball caps . . . The entrepreneurial mind boggles.

This cartoon, by Vic Harville at the Arkansas News, is also pretty striking--although more in the "creeps me out and I don't get it" kind of way. Do any of you understand exactly what's happening in this picture? Why are the donkey's cheeks puffed out? Yeesh. Does Rick Santorum know about this?

Maybe Harville was going after the same point that Clay Jones of the Fredericksburg VA Freelance-Star is making, but Jones managed to be a lot clearer and managed to avoid making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. So I don't know--maybe that means that Harville's the one on the right track. Certainly his is the one I'll remember tomorrow.

It's a matter of record that Newton and Liebniz both "invented" modern calculus at about the same time, and perhaps the same principle of historical convergence explains why most political cartoonists who took on the North Korean nuclear test last week relied on some variation of the same gag (see, for just a small sampling, here, here, here and here).

But whatever the reason, I'm featuring instead Nick Anderson of the Houston Chronicle, who reminds us there's more to it than "funny hair" + "big glasses" + "mushroom cloud."

Meanwhile, I'm still creeped out about that one with Bush and the donkey sucking face.