Sunday, July 23, 2006

Did Floyd Landis just have his "Dixie Chicks" moment?*

*(Or, if you prefer, his Charles Barkley moment?)

This morning I watched the time-shifted replay as Floyd Landis won the Tour de France, the third American to do so.

Lance Armstrong, who won the Tour the last seven years in a row, accepted an invitation last year to ride with fellow Texan George "Crash" Bush at his Crawford faux ranch. Those of us who admired Lance's achievement wrote off the ride-with-Bush thing as something that heads of huge charity foundations do for the good of the order, although it was a pretty depressing sight.

This year, Landis got a congratulatory call from Bush and an invitation to the White House.

Seems unlikely that he'll get an invitation to go cycling with the Peddler in Chief, though, and not just because Landis is from Pennsylvania. Courtesy of Josh Marshall, here's a moment from an interview Landis gave on Thursday following his amazing recovery from his dreadful performance the day before:
We pick it up as Landis' cell phone begins ringing:

Reporter: Is that Bush?

Landis (laughing): I doubt it. I'll hang up.
(Video clip of the interview is available here, although it's only viewable in IE and Netscape--apparently VeloNews hasn't caught up with the open-source movement.)

Probably for the best if Landis doesn't get the royal invitation; Bush probably thinks maillot jaune  is French for "outhouse," anyway.


Nothstine said...

"If I rode like you govern, I'd still be on a tricycle."

Hah! Nice.


Anonymous said...

How rude!!! What brains does it take to ride a bike? When did having respect for the Office of the Presidency of the United States disappear? Oops, I forget the man who didn't know what "sex" meant, and didn't have it "with that woman". The same man who had a chance to get Osama Bin Laden but must have been busy with cigars and oh well you figure it out.

Nothstine said...

>How rude!!! What brains does it take to ride a
>bike? When did having respect for the Office
>of the Presidency of the United States disappear?

I wasn't sure--still am not sure, actually--if you're pulling my leg. I have the greatest respect for the Office of the Presidency, which is one of the reasons I'm so disappointed that Bush occupies it.

But seriously, now. The economy's in the toilet [unless you're rich], about 100 Iraqis a day are getting killed, the Middle East is teetering on the brink of regional war, North Korea has nukes and is testing ICBMs, the government has announced it considers itself to conduct surveillance on any of us in the name of the War on Terror [tm], Osama is still running just as free as he was before 9/11 . . . and you're still worrying about Monica?

Honestly, now. Fess up. This is just a troll isn't it?

Thanks for visting, though.



Anonymous said...

"The economy's in the toilet"-Began under Clinton-and frankly, with Americans being able to grossly overeat, afford more than one TV per household, drive around with shiny rims and gold-plated teeth, things can't be that bad. Now, Uganda would be a "bad" economy in my book.
"100 Iraqis a day getting killed"-Your numbers are higher than the ones I've heard but lower than what they were under Hussein. Between the deaths by torture, chemical agents, martyrdom, malnutrition and disease, and political exectutions-just to name a few-Hussein was our modern-day Hitler. Ask the Kurds and Shi'as.
"Middle East is teetering on the brink of regional war" HA! Have you been on planet EARTH for the last thousand years? Yeah, nothing new for them. Incredibly, wars between Iraq and Iran, Israel and Lebanon, Iraq and...well, everyone, have been going on for quite some time!
"North Korea has nukes..." Direct result of one of Bill and Jimmy's nice little sit-down, sign-your-names-here to-play-nice failures.
Listen, I could go on and on but the fact is I probably won't change your mind. It's easier for you to get your opinions from watching the first five minutes of Primetime News than to actually research any of your statements.

Nothstine said...

Research. Ah yes.

Any more comments about Landis or the Tour? If not, go troll somewhere else.

Assuming you're the same "Anonymous" as the earlier post, that comment had open-ended possiblities. This one goes nowhere.
