Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wyden: Filibuster telecom bill if net neutrality isn't restored?

Via mcjoan at DailyKOS:
[OR Senator] Ron Wyden announced this afternoon that he has placed a "hold" on the telecommunciations legislation just passed by the Commerce Committee until clear language is included in the legislation that prevents discrimination in Internet access. [...]

This hold is basically a signal of intent to filibuster. Holds generally are requests that any Senator can make that a bill or measure not be considered by the full Senate until certain issues in it are cleared up. It's not officially in the Senate rules, and the majority leader can refuse it. If Stevens's statement that he doesn't have 60 votes is to be believed, then Wyden's hold could keep this bill from the floor.
(There's more, including Wyden's statement; read the whole thing.)

So. Internet users (bloggers, surfers, e-traders, and the rest), here's how it looks: Wyden has your back; while Oregon's junior senator, as the saying goes, has other priorities.

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