Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Scorpions (updated)

The Skirt, and some of my fellow PDX/DLers, have been mulling over Rep. Heather Wilson's call for Congressional investigation into Bush's domestic wiretapping. Skirt wrote me:
this gave me chills... I smell impeachment hearings... if not for this, then for one of BushCo's other offenses
It's interesting--okay, and darkly amusing--to watch the GOP begin to fracture as they realize that Junior has no coattails to ride on any longer. Karl can still bully them (like the Repubs on the Judiciary Committee), but only for a while longer.

Wilson and Bush, meanwhile, have been joined at the political hip from the beginning.

So, if she's willing to do the right thing now (i.e., call for congressional inquiry) but she's doing it for slimy reasons (i.e., she's got bad poll numbers and she needs some air freshener to cover over the stink she's picked up from Abrahamoff and Cunningham), then fine--the Dems should use the opportunity she's created, but never, ever trust her. That whole enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend business only goes so far.

Trust but verify.

Or, in a metaphor more appropriate to Wilson's New Mexico roots, always put crumpled up newspaper around the bed before you go to sleep and shake out your shoes before putting them on in the morning.

Update: Josh at TPM makes the spot-on observation:
Every position Wilson takes is finely calibrated to keep her politically well-positioned since she'll probably never have a truly easy race in her district.
He links to a great story I'd forgotten--the merry chase Wilson led her critics on when they tried to pin her down last summer: Did she support Bush's plan to privatize Social Security, or didn't she? And, as Kos reminds us, Wilson "expressed outrage at the Abu Ghraib scandal, then voted against efforts to investigate."

Democrats, shake out your boots in the morning.

1 comment:

my pants said...

good advice! good points! good post!