Saturday, February 4, 2006

Blogger outage had one of its not-infrequent-enough outages today, which made a lot of blogs inaccessible, and also caused some new posts--and comments, apparently--to disappear like your lap when you stand up.

Note to Trey: I got your comment about Willard Scott via email, although it seems to have vanished from the site itself. (The rest of you will just have to wonder what the hell that was about.)

Urgent advice to any bloggers: Blogger doesn't automatically back up all your posts. If you're paranoid--or at least, if you're paranoid enough--you can find a hack here to help you make a backup of all your posts. Consider it. It's a little Rube Goldberg-esque, but it works. Isn't it worth 10 minutes to make sure you don't lose everything you've ever posted?

1 comment:

The Rambling Taoist said...

I suppose Willard Scott is breathing easier today knowing his nasty secret has not been exposed. ;-)