Sunday, December 18, 2005

"Mostly Harmless"??

The Washington Post has a system that tracks when bloggers link to one of their articles. A little window beside the article itself opens up to a list of blog names and URLs, along with a little excerpt from the post in question. So you can see what blogs are following what stories. It's a nice feature.

But it still has some kinks in it.

For example, yesterday I linked to the Post text of Bush's radio address--the one in which he admitted he'd violated the law by ordering the NSA to conduct warrant-less surveillance on American citizens and justified it, of all things, in terms of his oath to defend the Consititution. I compared that with "bombing a village to save it."

So imagine my consternation when I noticed my presence on the backlink list from the Post article:

. . . "justified"? That's it?? Just that one word? No mention of the context around the word which makes it perfectly clear I meant "anything but justified"? What--did I forget to include the <irony>irony tags</irony>? Or should I have included a little webcam image of me making air quotes?

"Justified." Sigh. Now I know how Arthur Dent felt.

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