Before the election of new leadership this year, the College Republicans, fresh faced little gangsters that they are, had already been accused of corrupt fundraising by bilking little old ladies out of large sums of money. As with all College Republican elections, this one was distinguished by dirty tricks, betrayal and strong arm tactics [ . . . ]
But the thing that is most interesting about this is that he points out what very few people seem to realize --- that this is not just a bunch of kooky co-eds having fun. It is officially sanctioned and run by the Republican establishment. After all, it was the training ground for the entire political apparatus of the modern GOP --- including a bunch of names we've seen a lot of recently in association with words like "arrest," "indictment" and "federal investigation." And there's money involved, of course.

It deserves a read. In fact, Digby's been on a roll the last couple of days. While you're there, check this out, too.
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