Friday, December 3, 2004

Archive: My Cuba policy

From March 25, 2004:

As the pundits say, the Democrats and Republicans don't have a foreign policy regarding Cuba; they have an electoral policy. Here is my Cuba Policy.

Bear in mind that Fidel Castro--before he got into the Gran Jefe business almost half a century ago--was an attorney, and also a semi-pro baseball player. Now I'm sure you see where this is headed, but let me connect the dots anyway: Castro should be named Commissioner of Baseball.

Look at what we accomplish at a single stroke:

1. We'd begin the process of easing Castro out of power and helping the Cubans along the road to whatever post-Castro improvements will come.

2. We'd restore Jessie Helms, Dan Burton, and their still-hysterically-anti-communist-at-this-late-date troglodyte ilk to their proper level of importance on the foreign policy stage, which is to say no importance at all.

3. We'd return Florida to its proper level of importance in the US electoral process, which is to say no importance at all.

4. We'd give those arrogant multimillionaire team owners and their steroid-besotted millionaire players something to be genuinely worried about: a Commissioner of Baseball who'd like nothing better than to nationalize the National Sport.

You're welcome, America.

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