Monday, July 24, 2006

PDX book signing Wednesday night: "Confessions of a Former Dittohead"

Jim Derych, author of Confessions of a Former Dittohead, will be at a book signing this Wednesday night, the 26th, at 7pm at the Lucky Labrador brew pub at SE 9th and Hawthorne in Portland.

From the book's promo material:
"At a time when "political persuasion" consists of little more than hurled epithets, Jim Derych gifts progressives with a lucid manual for rescuing their fellow Americans from the clutches of the Right. This will undoubtedly be one of the most important political books of the year."
--Markos Moulitsas, Founder of Daily Kos and
author of Crashing the Gate: Netroots,
Grassroots, and the Rise of People-
Powered Politics.

Originally a diary on Daily Kos, Confessions is a unique personal and political memoir that follows former red-stater and social conservative Jim Derych on a unique journey from right to left. Opening with Jim's introduction to Rush by his father, Confessions details how over a thirteen-year period and a "thousand small cuts," Jim moved away from Rush and the Republicans and embraced the Democratic Party and liberalism. Sharing both the personal--a friend who had an abortion as a teenager, a gay college roommate who delayed his coming out because of "people like Jim"--and the political--a comical encounter with the Young Republicans, his reaction to the torture scandals and the Iraq War--this is a moving and thought-provoking account that dispels the myth of "compassionate

The book also provides a fascinating "insider" account on how dittoheads think on the major political, economic and social issues of the day.

The event is sponsored by the Portland chapter of Drinking Liberally. Whether you're a DL member or not, please drop by and give Jim a proper Rose City welcome.

Jim will also be on Thom Hartmann's show on KPOJ AM620 at 7.30am Wednesday morning (live streaming here). Give a listen.

And you can read Jim's DailyKOS diary, including book tour stories, here.

(Cross posted at PK.)

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