Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday morning* toons: At least it was a good week for Ohio Art

*Well, it's still “morning” if you're in Guam, anyway.

But back to the news from the makers of that the world's favorite drawing toy®.

According to Raw Story:
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney may not be president yet but his campaign is already helping to improve the economic outlook for one company.

Ohio Art told Raw Story on Thursday that the company welcomed a spike in share prices and toy sales after a Romney staffer’s gaffe that compared the campaign to an Etch A Sketch.

“It’s very exciting,” Ohio Art spokeswoman Nicole Gresh remarked.

Today's toons were painstakingly selected from the week's pages at Attytude, Slate, Time,, and Daryl Cagle:

p3 Picks of the Week: Mike Luckovich, Signe Wilkinson, Bill Schorr, Jeff Parker, Jim Morin, Steve Breen, Adam Zyglis, John Cole, and Monte Wolverton.

p3 Legion of Merit: R. J. Matson.

p3 Best of Show: Clay Bennett.

p3 Award for Best Adaptation from Another Medium (tie): Steve Kelly and Chan Lowe.

p3 World Toon Review: Patrick Chappatte (Switzerland), Pavel Constantin (Romania), Marian Kamensky (Slovakia), and Cam Cardow (Canada).

Ann Telnaes finds only limited reason to celebrate this week.

Mark Fiore previews the Apple product of the future.

Taiwan's Next Media Animation has some news about a comeback you might have missed in all the hurly-burly and brouhaha of the last week.

Are you a discriminating viewer of early Hanna-Barbera animation? Do you worry that there's no place out there on the internet for someone of your special sensibilities? Worry no more. The blog's name, alone, is worth the click. (Hat-tip to Keith Semmel.)

It's a different Disney: Almost three years ago, p3 Sunday morning toons payed tribute to a 1943 Donald Duck cartoon that carried the pro-tax (!) messaage that wars, even popular ones, still have to paid for somehow. Here's a “The New Spirit,” a 1942 co-production of Disney and the Treasury Department, directed by Wilfred Jackson and Ben Sharpsteen, with voice work by three Disney immortals: Clarence Nash (Donald Duck), Cliff “Jiminy Cricket” Edwards (singing the title song), and Fred Shields (the narrator). The purpose of “The New Spirit” was to stress the simplicity of the revised federal tax forms and schedules.

As NPR's David Kestenbaum frames it:
The government needed to get the word out. It needed a spokesperson. Someone credible, and easy to understand.

The government needed Donald Duck.
Hm. Spokesperson? Okay. Credible? I guess. But -- easy to understand? (Hat-tip to James the Elder.)

Via Comic Riffs, here a review of toons following the Trayvon Martin shooting story:

Tom Tomorrow discovers that there apparently is no story, no matter how important, that our news media's standard treatment can't reduce to a pointless hash.

Keith Knight examines the law of unintended consequences.

Tom the Dancing Bug explores the outer reaches of plot twists. Is he messing with your mind? Or is he just making you think he's messing with your mind? Hm?

Red Meat presents Ted Johnson, making ready to do some pretty fast thinking.

Oh, Canada! Continuing our celebration of the great animation brought out by the National Film Board of Canada, here's the most popular of NFBC's Canada Vignettes series: “The Log Driver's Waltz,” directed in 1979 by John Weldon, with singing by by the wonderful Kate and Anna McGarrigle.

If your browser won't display the embedded version, click here.

The p3 Big Oregon Toon Block:

Jack Ohman presents another exciting episode of As the Bonneville Dam Turns. It's all about feelings.

Matt Bors suspects that where you stand on the law may depend on where you stand your ground.

Part 2 of “As the Bonneville Dam Turns:” Of course, in addition to feelings, any good soap opera usually includes daring impersonations and the arrival of the Feds. Jesse Springer shows:

Test your toon-captioning chops at The New Yorker's weekly caption-the-cartoon contest. (Rules here.)

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