Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday morning toons: The Equinox, the SuperMoon, and the End of the World as We Know It

And, for your apocalyptic convenience, all rolled into the same week.

Today's selections have been carefully chosen from the week's political cartoon pages at Slate, Time, Mario Piperni,, and Daryl Cagle, and stored under a case of potassium iodide tablets:

p3 Picks of the Week: Mike Luckovich, J D Crowe, Rob Rogers, Clay Bennett, Joel Pett, John Darkow, RJ Matson, and Monte Wolverton.

p3 Best in Show: Steve Breen.

p3 World Toon Review: Tom Trouw (Netherlands), Cam Cardow (Canada), Patrick Chappatte (Switzerland), KAL (England), and Ingrid Rice (Canada).

Ann Telnaes's web page seems to be on the blink at the moment. Maybe we can make something happen later.

Mark Fiore reveals the latest monster movies coming soon to a mall near you.

Taiwan's Next Media Animation calls for your support for the Fukushima Fifty.

Merciful Minerva! Last summer, we saw the got our first look at Wonder Woman's new costume in the DC comic; here's how that's being adapted for the forthcoming Wonder Woman TV series produced by David E. Kelly (should we be grateful he didn't put her in one of Ally McBeal's outfits?).

Tom Tomorrow asks: Who is that spectral presence hovering in the Oval Office?

The K Chronicles points out the most frightening aspect of Japan's earthquake/tsunami/nuclear accident.

Ruh-roh! Will the Mystery Wagon arrive in time to save the poor and the middle class? Tom the Dancing Bug has the answer.

At Red Meat, Ted Johnson shares the first rule of parenting.

The Comic Curmudgeon tells you where to find real, honest-to-goodness terror in the comics.

Portland homeboy Jack Ohman is carefully monitoring the latest meltdown following the earthquake/tsunami in Japan.

You mean a poor little teensy-weensy itsy-bitsy defenseless little boid? "A Tale of Two Kitties," directed by Bob Clampett, is notable for several things. First, it marks the first appearance of Babbit and Catsello, the WB parodies of Abbot and Costello. Second, it marks first appearance, catch phrases and all, of the character who (when he finally was given feathers) would become Tweety Bird. (Catsello and Tweety were voiced by Mel Blanc; Babbit was voiced without credit by WB all-arounder Tedd Pierce. And the bird wasn't named yet, although in production he was referred to as Orson.) Third, it only takes one glimpse at Catsello to know where Sean Hannity got his classic look. The "Hays Commission" joke is one of two that made the censors nervous.

(Note to Facebook friends: If you're reading this in FB Notes, you'll need to click View Original Post, below, to see the video.)

p3 Bonus Toon: Jesse Springer's a little worried about the level of preparedness in the Beaver State.

Test your toon-captioning skills at The New Yorker's weekly caption-the-cartoon contest. (Rules here.)

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