Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The unforgiving minute

Four rules of American politics to which all sides (Republicans, Democrats, and media) apparently agree:

  1. Anything that a Democrat says about a Republican that is true is automatic grounds to demand an apology from the Democrat.

  2. Anything that a Democrat says or does that a Republican has already said or done is automatic grounds to demand an apology from the Democrat.

  3. No Republican is ever required to apologize for or distance him/herself from the inappropriate actions of anyone associated with their party base, however closely, but Democrats must always apologize for or distance themselves from the actions of anyone associated with their party base, however remotely. (This is also referred to as the 'Sister Souldjah Principle' or, as Digby calls it, 'Punch a Hippie.')

  4. Any black Democrat is automatically answerable for the behavior of any other black person anywhere in the world at any time.

Minute's up.

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