Monday, October 2, 2006

Ooh! We were so close! Al Gore RSVPs regrets to PDX DL

As those of you who attended the last Drinking Liberally meeting know, rock star and former Vice President Al Gore will be in Portland on October 24th, and, daring to fly among the eagles, I invited him to a special DL meeting in his honor while he was in town. (And for the rest of you who haven't been attending: See what you're missing?)


Today we received Mr. Gore's reply. (At least the note was printed on recycled paper. Is he a piece of work, or what?)

Had our gambit worked, of course, we would have been ranked among the DL immortals. But the odds were probably against us from the beginning. I know that. Nevertheless, Mr. Gore will be back through Portland next May on a book tour, and we'll try it again then.

Seriously, Mr. Gore, we've got a lot of people here who would really like to meet you--and one or two who would, you know, really like to. Think it over for next May.

Still--any of you planning to hear Mr. Gore speak at the Rose Garden?


Nothstine said...

Good point. And I bet a union print shop is even harder to find in Tennessee than recycled paper. I'm just guessing.


Misty said...

At first I didn't see the "regrets" and I about fell off my couch, LOL.

Alas, I can't make it (again) tomorrow (John is out of town) but I will--WILL!--be at the next one. Not that that makes up for Al Gore. :-)

Nothstine said...

That's why you always want to be sitting on safe furniture, wearing loose & comfortable clothes, not have any sharp objects in your hands, etc., when web surfing. People who turn up their noses at bloggers don't realize the risks we take.


Anonymous said...

I suspect Al's aide didn't even tell him about the invite- I think he'd consent to join the group.

I'm a new member starting this month (well, next month's 1st Thursday meeting will actually be my start date). What's the process for site selection, and is there anything I should know?
